We must continue to develop in order to shape the future.

AIF Capital Group is an expert for regulated alternative investment funds. We act as investors, trustees – licensed by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin) – and asset managers to facilitate high-yielding property investment opportunities for institutional investors. Profit now from our all-in best practice service package. We are always seeking new investment opportunities.

Talk to us!

property assets
AUM (in billion Euro)
property experts
million Euro turnover

„Be ready to revise any system, scarp any method, abandon any theory, if the success of the job requires it.“

Henry Ford

About AIF Capital

The world is changing – and so are the requirements for property investments. Our organisation evolved accordingly. We developed the conventional E&G Funds & Asset Management GmbH into a high-yielding and dynamic property investment player: AIF Capital Group.
While „all good remains“, we have realigned our activities: our business lines Portfolio Management, Asset Management and Project Management are now handling your investment capital in agile expert teams, for flexible and more efficient workflows. With a strong digital backbone and completely digitalised processes, we master the regulatory and operative challenges of the property business.

Built on Real Estate.

Acquisition profiles

We are constantly enhancing our investment portfolio. Here you can find our current property asset classes and acquisition profiles.



New urban planning concepts are reducing parking capacities in metropolitan areas all over Europe. We ensure the future of urban development and of individual mobility by investing in modern parking facilities.

Care property

Senior Care/Children Day Care

The investment market for care property is steadily growing. We make sure that competitive yields and social standards go together – for the best of our children and families.

Private Equity

Projektentwicklung/Brown Field Development

We have a passion for extra-ordinary development projects and innovative types of use. Together with our strategic partners, we are continuously seeking opportunities to tap into new asset classes.


Urban living quarters/Residential districts

For us, living quarters are more than vertical or horizontal building structures with some commercial use: we focus on the places that enable people to meet.


Retail parks/Supermarkets/Discounters

Retail parks, supermarkets, discounters and drugstores are basic needs and a vital part of the local infrastructure of any urban or metropolitan city.


Our business is growing – stay informed.


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We know how to do it!

When the plan is not working, change the plan, not the aim!

Since 2006, we as founders and managing partners of AIF Capital have been striving to innovate conventional property asset management and build its dynamics. At the same time, we are driven by our aim to offer our institutional and regulated capital investors with the upscaled service level of a private bank. Both always remained part of our DNA.
The global financial crisis and unforeseen developments on the capital market have led to increased posing challenges to all market players. Together with our clients and partners, we have been meeting these challenges and grown with them.
If we look into the future, such obstacles are not going to diminish. Compared with the long-term global trends and the demographic changes of our times, the current COVID-19 pandemic is nothing but a test of our flexibility and innovation power.
We would like to thank our long-standing clients, investors and business partners for the trust they have placed in us over the years. We look forward to shaping AIF Capital together with you. It is our mission to strive continuously for best practice services and yields.

Mario Caroli

Founder & Managing Partner