Stuttgart, March 09, 2022 – AIF Capital Group, a specialist in regulated alternative investment funds, is the latest member of Bundesverband Parken e.V. The Stuttgart-based investment and asset manager is thus strengthening its presence in the parking industry. With its fund products, AIF Capital enables institutional investors, among others, to specifically invest in a Europe-wide diversified parking portfolio.
Due to requirements imposed by ESG criteria, rapidly changing mobility behavior and competition for urban space, investors and operators in the parking industry are equally confronted with a dynamic environment. Against this backdrop, AIF Capital is also striving for networking and closer professional exchange with the various players through its membership in the Bundesverband Parken e.V. (German Parking Association).
Daniel Wolf, Managing Director of AIF Management, says: “We offer our investors the opportunity to invest in parking space throughout Europe. The parking industry, like the entire real estate industry, is facing major challenges and is in the midst of an exciting transformation. With our membership in the industry association, we are taking into account the increased importance and grown independence of the asset class.”
Today, Bundesverband Parken e.V. is the most important institution in the parking industry and the industry’s spokesperson. It represents the interests of its members in the field of mobility in connection with overall urban traffic concepts. The 206 regular members currently manage around 1.3 million car parking spaces in more than 4,200 properties and thus represent the entire diversity of the parking industry. Public and private companies are represented in roughly equal numbers.
Über die AIF Capital Group
Die AIF Capital Group ist Immobilienmanager und Spezialist für regulierte Alternative Investmentfonds für institutionelle Anleger. Als Investor, Treuhänder, KVG mit BaFin-Lizenz und Vermögensmanager bietet das Unternehmen Anlegern renditestarke und nachhaltige Immobilieninvestments. Das Unternehmen ist Mitglied der Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen ECORE und ICG und ist Signatory der UN PRI. Die Unternehmensgruppe wurde 2006 in der Privatbank Ellwanger & Geiger gegründet und 2017 im Rahmen eines Management-Buyouts vollständig übernommen. Die Gesellschaft verfolgt das Ziel, klassisches Immobilien Asset Management innovativ und dynamisch zu gestalten und dabei eine hohe Servicequalität zu bieten. Die Gruppe beschäftigt 43 Mitarbeitende, verfügt über ein Eigenkapital von 5,6 Millionen Euro und verwaltet derzeit Assets (AUM) im Wert von rund einer Milliarde Euro.
Press Contact
Samira Roll
+49 711 490579-53