Taking on responsibility – together.

The AIF Capital Group ESG Committee has set the following ESG objectives for the next two years. The aim of these objectives is to establish the basis on which AIF develops the next 5-year plan in accounting and achieving operational sustainability.

Taking this into account based in the effectiveness and successful implementation of the following objectives we aim to develop our long-term ESG objectives.

The AIF ESG Committee is comprised of executive and non-executive members representing all business units of the AIF Capital Group. The purpose of the Committee is to set ESG-related targets and oversee the progress of the measures implemented.



Improve data transparency and data coverage to further identify adverse environmental impacts within the AIF Capital Group, specifically focus on identifying Scope 1, Scope 2 of C02 emissions of our portfolio assets and within the Group, as well as material natural resources consumption.


We aim to achieve a 100% data coverage by the end of 2025


We have allocated resources in the short and long term that aim to gather and review consumption data and energy performance certificate  of the buildings, as well as identify any challenges in achieving our 100% data coverage goal. Achieving 100% data coverage will be the stepping stone to strategically set further sustainability goals, such as net-zero emissions by 2025, for the future. In addition, 100% data coverage will allow us to more efficiently plan resources and identify potential for improvement in creating positive impact to the planet and the community.



  • Improve the health and well-being of our employees, through community engagement and corporate benefits. Specifically focus on improving access to training facilities, offering meal alternatives with higher nutritional value, and overall improving the environment of all working spaces.
  • Further develop and standardize the responsibilities of the DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) representative within the AIF Capital Group, with the purpose of increasing diversity, securing equity and enabling inclusion across all business units of AIF Capital Group.


  • We assess the reliability and validity of existing measures annually through the feedback we receive from our annual employee satisfaction surveys.
  • We have already taken steps in identifying and establishing the responsibilities of the AIF Capital Group DEI Representative, we aim to further develop these responsibilities by 2023 and expect to standardize the DEI Responsibilities by 2024.


  • We aim to continue our long-standing commitment to our employees’ health and well-being, and further seek to adjust to the evolving health and well-being standards. We recognize that employee engagement is key to identifying, planning, and realizing, as a result we are committed to address challenges and assess existing measures by carrying annual employee satisfaction surveys. We have allocated resources and have fully incorporated the allocation and planning of such resources within our business strategy.
  • We have allocated resources in developing policies to standardize the responsibilities of the DEI Representative. This will allow us to develop and implement effective measures driving diversity, equity and inclusion within AIF.



  • Deliver the first AIF Capital Sustainability Report for the year 2023. After the successful establishment of an ESG Committee and introduction of a Sustainability Officer within the AIF Capital Group the past 2 years, we aim to further strengthen and expand the ESG governance structures within AIF Capital Group.
  • Further integrate and strengthen E and S in corporate guidelines. Specifically focus on procurement guidelines (office material, IT, infrastructure) as well as work travel and transportation policies.


  • We expect to publish our fist AIF Sustainability Report for the year 2025
  • We expect to fully integrate E and S in corporate guidelines by 2026


  • We have allocated resources in collecting, planning, and developing the AIF Capital Sustainability Report for the year 2025, aiming to standardize the process internally and deliver the report annually.
  • Through the ESG Committee we are engaging senior management across all business units of AIF Capital aiming to strengthen the integration of E and S in our corporate guideline.