Taking on responsibility – together.

Investing with social and environmental responsibility and leading by example – these are core values of AIF Capital. We want to preserve natural resources, contribute to environmental protection and promote social cohesion. AIF Capital currently develops a comprehensive ESG-Strategy for all branches of the business.

Our ESG-strategy already include:

  • AIF Capital assesses every new investment according to ESG-Criteria: climate efficient planning and construction, barrier free access in all types of buildings.

  • ESG-criteria for all investment funds: a just requirement also from regulated investors.

  • Incentives for eco-friendly behaviour: We provide a mobility and environmental bonus for our staff.

  • Sustainable business travel: We encourage our staff to travel by train and to avoid individual passenger traffic.

  • We train all our staff on ESG.

  • Diversity: performance counts, not gender, sexual orientation or ethnic background. We support these core values by objective assessment practices.

  • We value health, balance and happiness through social events and sports incentives for our staff.